The Solar Process

How Do Solar Panels Generate Power?

Sunlight coming from the sun contains photons. When these photons make contact with solar panels, the electrons within the panels become excited. This creates a DC electrical current. These excited electrons pass through conductors in the panels, and eventually towards a microinverter or main inverter in your home.

How is DC Power from Solar Generation Converted into Home and Grid AC Power?

DC power is generated by solar panels. This electrical current is passed through microinverters, which are placed under each panel on the roof, or a main inverter located within the home. This electricity is transformed into AC power by the inverter’s functions. This type of electricity is now compatible to power your home loads before transferring to the grid’s electrical supply.

How Does Net Metering Work?

As Montanans we know that sun can be hard to find throughout some seasons. During the summer months, your solar array will be sized to produce more than the home loads are consuming. This excess energy supply will credit towards your utility provider account. As winter months set in, the array will begin to produce less than the home loads are consuming. With the help of those saved summed energy credits, your energy bills will be offset during the winter months.

How Do Solar Panels Hold up in Montana’s Weather Events?

All solar electrical equipment is rated for some of the most extreme weather circumstances. Solar equipment is rated at professional standards, which are subject to hurricane wind and rain loads. Solar panel structure will withstand the harshest winds we frequently see throughout Montana. Worried about how solar panels will hold up during heavy snowfalls, or large hailstorms? We install some of the strongest solar panels on the market. The glass is rated to withstand everything from golf-ball sized hail to an off-course baseball. They can even withstand the weight of a truck! Don’t believe us? See for yourself at