While Utility Energy Rates Increase Across Montana, Solar Power Continues to Become more Affordable for Montanans!

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Solar is on the frontlines of advancement and production in our economy. Whether you are looking to be self-sufficient from energy companies, save money through high inflation periods, or want to help sustain a better future for generations to come, Summit Solar is a great option to work with. 

Why Solar?

Inflation Assessment

As electricity bills continue to skyrocket with inflation, companies like Summit Solar strive to offer solutions to help your wallet in the long run. Find out how solar can help keep your energy costs affordable.

Incentives From the Government

Through bipartisan government assistance, tax rebates for new solar array installations are at an all-time high of 30%. Montana and federal agencies are offering continual grant and incentive programs to help push towards more renewable energies.

Net Metering

As a Montana resident, are you concerned with the amount of sunlight your roof or installation site receives throughout the winter months? Net metering is an agreement with utility companies that ensures you get the most out of your solar array year-round. During longer days throughout summer months, your array will produce more than your household consumes. This will store energy credits with your utility provider. As the days get shorter and colder, your array will begin to consume more than your household will produce. With the help of your saved summer credits, this energy consumption will be offset. We create every array with this in mind. 

Helpful Resources

-Net Metering - Montana Renewable Energy Association (montanarenewables.org)

-Financing & Incentives - Montana Renewable Energy Association (montanarenewables.org)

-Solar 101 - Montana Renewable Energy Association (montanarenewables.org)